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Small Orguss Toys
Orguss vs. Nikick System-in-Box
A set of a non-transformable Orguss and Nikick. These toys featured a mostly unarticulated diecast
metal skeleton onto which plastic armor pieces are fit. They feature the most diecast out of any of the
Orguss toys, but they are fairly immobile and lack detail.
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Nikick and Orguss Convertors
Cheap plastic versions of the Orguss and Nikick. In spite of their cheap and easily breakable construction,
they featured a decent amount of detail. Takatoku made tiny, cheap, plastic (but transforming) versions of many
of the toys in their various toy lineups. In the mid-1980s, blister-packed versions of these toys flooded onto
the US market under the Convertors name.
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Vinyl Nikick and Orguss
This is a set of an Orguss and Nikick done in vinyl, instead of standard plastic. The toys are mostly
unarticulated, mobile at the shoulders.
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Orguss Shrine maintained by Mark Stout / stouty@bedford.net / Revised 12/02/99